3 signs that it's time to quit your job

Job commitment is a tricky issue. Whilst your blood, sweat and tears have been invested in the success you’ve cultivated at your current workplace, this in no way negates the yearning to start afresh in a vibrant new environment.

Whilst the feeling may be swelling with a view to steering your career path into a new and exciting direction, it can be hard to differentiate between everyday workplace stress, which we all experience, and genuine signs that it may be time to jump ship.

Obviously, each journey is different for each professional, but several key factors could well be a key indication that your instincts may well be correct.

Whilst we all strive to succeed and maximise the positive effects that we have over our profession, after years of doubling down on effort expectations may well rise to match your exponentially grown workload.

If you find yourself investing hours of your personal time to your corporate to-do list, getting in early and staying late, up at night stressing about tomorrow’s meetings and discover that these things are having an adverse effect on your home life, there’s a good chance that what you’re experiencing is a classic case of burnout.

While a strong work ethic is a valuable trait, taking on more work than you can realistically complete within the working week leads only to a path of anxiety and exhaustion.

Tempting offers

You don’t have to be a master in your field to be an enviable asset to other companies. Hard work does not go unnoticed, even if you believe your current employer isn’t paying attention, and whilst opportunities may not present themselves within your current role for advancement, all professionals should be open to the potential of a lucrative job offer.

You may have received training or positive investment from your current firm, but your relationship with your employer is only professional and as such, you shouldn’t feel guilty for looking elsewhere for opportunities.

Toxic work environment 

As simple as it sounds, a breakdown in communication or hostility in the workplace can be a key symptom of disengagement.

Whilst quitting your job based on a relationship with a specific colleague is usually a poor strategy for success, if the issue extends beyond a singular individual then it may well be time to find a company that values internal relationships more.